Sunday, August 30, 2020

Alberta, June July

 I think my husband is due for a haircut.
We stopped in Fairmont, BC on our way to Alberta.   Jen our daughter and Ed always have interesting conversations.
 After appointments, we travelled to our friends acreage outside Medicine Hat, AB.  It’s always great to see Di and Les.
 Ed helping our son in-law drill for the installation of their TV.
 More discussions with Les, always entertaining.
 Jen and dad cooking naan.
While stuck in Canada, Hurricane Douglas was approaching Hawaii.  We were fortunate to have friends in the marina to check our lines and remove the Bimini and Dodger.  Great people in the boating world. 
We love to visit Cypress Hills when we are with Di and Les.

Diana and I have a blast cooking together.

Cooling off in the creek.  We were in search of Saskatoon Berries, we’re two weeks early.

A beautiful view of the valley behind.