Friday, December 2, 2011

New Orleans, Louisiana

We follow Guy Fieri from triple D.

Rack of ribs, pulled pork & sides.  Yum!

Bin-ford smoker; Ed wants one.

Resident cat they took in.  Good people everywhere.
Another DDD.

Mike shucking.

Getting ready.

Down the hatch.

Side trip.

Sad, but he was enjoying himself.

One of many interesting buildings.

Also, characters.

The Lower 9th Ward are rebuilding.

Many are not.

The drive around the Ward was moving.

The roads are still a mess.

Not sure where this came from.

Very sad.

Man their faith is strong.

Check the Mississippi, the Levy and the roof on homes in the Lower 9th.  The residents didn't have a chance.

And then came BP.

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