Friday, June 29, 2012

Still in Vancouver

We came across this pooch while picking berries on Grouse Mountain.

Many bridges crossing many creeks.

 Salmon Berries; they make a tasteful pie.

Ships in English Bay.

A famous food truck on West Hastings Street.

Was this a mail bomb?

The famous food truck.........seafood chowder poutine.  Man it was good.

After the large lunch, we rode our bikes back to Stanley Park to visit the Aquarium.

The Belugas put on a great show.

As did the sea otter.

The sea lions were great.

A little hug.

Check out the gull; it did tricks as well.  Trying to catch the fish in mid air.

The dolphins never dissapoint.

Quite a colorful snail

They wanted privacy.

Life Jackets...................Tsunami!!!!!!!!!!!!

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