Friday, November 9, 2012

Leaving the Maratimes

We took the Ferry from Nova Scotia to New Brunswick.  This picture of the fall colors was breathtaking as we traveled northwest to Quebec.

Rivers meander through the rolling hills.

The bright blue water of the lakes.

I am standing in line at the famous Schwartz's Restaurant in Montreal.  This restaurant is famous for it's smoked meat sandwich.

The restaurant is busy from opening to close.  Celine Dion owns Schwartz's.

The famous smoked meat sandwich. 

After leaving Montreal we drove to Oakville, Ontario.  We stayed at a Provincial Park on the outskirts of Oakville.  Early October was quiet in the Park.

The hiking trails were endless.  Ed would bike them daily.  This trail followed a ravine for miles.

The trees getting ready for a long winter, shedding leaves on the ground like a blanket.

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