Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Princess Louisa Inlet, B.C.

Robin took this picture of us after leaving Egmont.  We are heading to Princess Louisa Inlet, off of Jervis Inlet.

The Park sign.

Boats are waiting for slack tide, outside Malibou Rapids,

Slack tide and we line up to enter.  The passage is quite narrow.

Once through the rapids, the Inlet seems like another world.

The race is on to the Provincial Docks.
Space is limited.  Some boats anchor and stern tie around the Inlet; more privacy I guess.

Ed made pizzas on this beautiful evening.  It was fun having dinner on the dock with Robin and Jim.

Robin took this picture after a hike.  She called it the 4 musketeers  Princess Louisa Inlet was a beautiful place to see.  Can't wait to return..

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