Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ensenada to Catavina, Baja California

We traveled through many small towns heading south.  Horse back is common.

The highway is quite narrow, there are no shoulders to pull over.  We would stop completely for large vehicles to pass.  I was very nervous on blind curves.  Thankfully, Ed is a good driver.

The desert is quite beautiful this time of the year.

The boulders tower over the vehicles.  We drove for many miles through this.

Gas Pirates; they hope you didn't fill at the previous Pemex.  Thankfully, our guides told us that certain stations were a mandatory fill.

Some of the roads have natural springs running across them.  If you take your time, you won't have a problem.  Sometimes you will meet a big rig.

We dry camped at a mountain ranch 1km south of Catavina.  Ed enjoyed mountain biking through the country side.

We enjoyed a Mexican bunk-house dinner at the ranch.

Quite a few motorcycle groups travel the Baja highway.  Unfortunately, this fellow crashed; the rider was okay.

More gas pirates.

A perfect picture of the desert. 

A brave or (crazy) person, biking.   I hope he got a bumper sticker stating," I Biked The Baja".

One of many military check stops.  They are looking for guns and drugs.  Very pleasant young men.

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