Tuesday, April 22, 2014

More Baja before heading North.

I was so pleased to find out the Woodrows were in Cabo San Lucas.  It was great to see Darlene, Linda and grown up Tootie

Yes, enjoying another margarita.

We do enjoy fine dining, but street venders are our favorite, and the way to enjoy true Mexico.

Tropic of Cancer is on Baja 1, is between Los Barriles and San Jose.  We spent time to explore the area.

The Tropic of Cancer is the same latitude as Brownsville Texas and Key West Florida.

The attraction is quite impressive.

Caution signs! (Danger)

Part of the road collapses.

A lonely back road o La Paz, north of Los Barriles.

The ferry travels from Mazatlan, mainland Mexico to La Paz, Baja.

Small isolated coves everywhere.

Sailboat friendly coves.  We are very excited.  One Fine Day will make the journey one day.

Beach and Palapas are welcoming.

The erosion on the rocks are from the storms.

Golf Course in the desert, 1/2 km from the water.

The multiple colors of the sea are beautiful.

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